Round 4:

Choose your mask

- Sit together around a table as you create your masks.

* Google "luchador masks" for ideas to get you started.

- While making your mask, choose a question from the list below to ask one another.

  • When you think about how God made me, what is one quality you love most about me? 
  • What movie made you cry? Why? 
  • What kinds of things make you sad? 
  • Is my personality the same now as it was when I was younger? How I am the same or different? 
  • What really gives you the creeps? 
  • .In what ways do you think I am like you? 
  • What did you fight about with your family?
  • In what ways do you think I am different than you? 
  • What has been one of the happiest moments in your life so far? 
  • What’s the best way for me to “show” you that I love you?
    • Write you a special card
    • Go hang out together
    • Snuggle up close
    • Buy you something
    • Do something nice for you
  • What was one of your best dreams ever? Why?
  • What do you love most about how God made you?
  • What makes you sad when we fight?
  • What do you think we fight about the most?
  • Think about how God made you. What do you love most about how He made you?
  • What is the best present I/we’ve ever given you? Why?
  • What do you love most about how God made Dad and/or Mom?